Address: Vauxhall Road, Hemel Hempstead, Herts, HP2 4HW
Travelling by car
M25 - Leave at junction 21 for M1 North
M1 - Leave at junction 8 for Hemel Hempstead
A41 - Leave at Hemel Hempstead
Nearest Train Station: Hemel Hempstead (London Northwestern Railway)
The stadium is a 45 min walk from the station or a 6-8 min ride in a taxi.
From Tonbridge by train it is possible to return from Hemel Hempstead after the game and arrive the same day if you count 01:15 arrival back into Tonbridge as the same day! Please click Here for details.
About Vauxhall Road
Entry to the ground is via our Main Entrance off Vauxhall Road. The main turnstiles are located opposite the main gates. For games with bigger crowds additional turnstiles will be in use.
Upon entry to the ground, you'll be able to purchase a programme and grab some food from our burger van. The clubhouse/bar further is to the right and toilets in the bottom corner. To the left of these is our club shop. There is a large covered terraces at the top end of the ground, a covered all seater stand running along the opposite side of the pitch to where you enter the ground. At the bottom end of the ground (to the right as you enter) is an all seater covered stand behind the goal. Programme is £2.50 and available inside the ground.
There is a small car park at Vauxhall Road. It fills quickly; Vauxhall Road is a busy residential street and like the car park, the whole area fills up quick. Attempts should be made to park away from the area to ease congestion; if you do park locally then please do so with consideration and respect for our residential neighbours.