Allan Watson
Supporter Supreme - 90th Birthday
On 29th May 1930, a full nine years before the outbreak of the 2nd World War, in the midst of another world financial crisis, and some 18 years before the birth of our own Tonbridge Angels FC, Allan Watson was born.
A supporter of the club since its inception, Allan has experienced all the highs and lows that comes with following The Angels.
Right now, Allan, we are sure you will be feeling very low following the recent passing of you dear wife Pam and indeed the whole club shares with you the grief of that sad news.
However, it would be remiss of us if we failed to mark the achievement of reaching your 90th birthday and thanking you for your outstanding support over all these years.
Allan has never been short of a pithy comment or two about the progress of the team both before, during and after matches but his analysis is always fair. Alongside all of this you will never hear any unpleasantness or profanities from his mouth, indeed we can describe him as a true gentleman of the terraces.
All your many friends at The Halcyon Wealth Longmead Stadium are thinking of you at this time.