Angels star in Ollie's Home School Project

If you can't play football or cheer for your favourite team just now then a young supporter has the answer
Angels supporter Ollie Seymour aged 10 wasn't going to let the fact that he can't play for Tonbridge Juniors or watch games at the Halcyon Wealth Longmead Stadium get him down too much so he decided to do a project all about Tonbridge Angels as part of his home schooling.
The results were impressive. As well as researching the history of the club and documenting results and this seasons 1st team squad he drew a plan of our stadium with remarkable accuracy and took the opportunity to write and compose ,as Mum Tamsin put it, his first grown up letter.
He and his Mum wanted also to make a contribution to the pitch fund so decided to hand deliver the documentation to the club's mail box but while there by chance met our Director and Head Groundsman Pete Elves who very kindly gave them a tour of the stadium observing at all times correct social distancing.
We congratulate Ollie on his superb effort and hope it won't be too long before he and his family can once again enjoy seeing the Angels take to the pitch for a game.