Longmead to host MEN-TALK.UK charity game

AFC Tonbridge to play TN United
Tonbridge Angels are proud to be hosting a charity football match on Tuesday, 27th June for MEN-TALK.UK on behalf of AFC Tonbridge.
The chairman of AFC Tonbridge, Ryan Ward, explained the work that the charity and his football club does in general and in the local community:
“MEN-TALK.UK is about getting men to talk openly about every day issues and pressures. They are determined to cut the stigma attached to men talking about their mental health, enabling men to understand and listen to others about their mental health too.
Ryan Thompson set up MEN-TALK.UK because he has seen the effects of mental health from both sides, as a professional and a patient. Mental health is raw, hidden and for many disguised by drink, drugs, gambling or other reckless behaviours that are deemed destructive.
Thousands of men in the UK are suffering in silence. Statistics show that three times as many men as women die by suicide as a result of mental health. It is our aim at AFC Tonbridge to help men feel confident in talking about mental health.”
The match to be played against TN United, who are a newly formed West Kent Sunday League team run by Academy player Harrison Parks, will kick off at 7.45 pm, with the gates opening at 6.30 pm. Admission is £5 for adults with Under-18’s £2. The Lounge Bar will be open and there will be a raffle with exciting prizes to be won.