New 3G pitch available for hire at Tonbridge’s Longmead Stadium TN10 3JF
Room hire at the club also available
A new era started at Tonbridge Angels FC on Wednesday 10th August 2022 with the launch of a FIFA Quality Pro (3G) artificial playing surface at its Halcyon Wealth Longmead Stadium.
Aside from being used by all Angels teams including elite academy and youth, the new pitch will be available for general hire including full, half and third size options. For just £40.00 it is possible to book a one third hire for one hour. Booking the pitch by using this Link is very simple with payments being made by either credit or debit card.
Tonbridge Angels is also making its rooms available for hire via the same system. These include the Longmead Lounge, Sponsors Lounge, 1948 suite and Boardroom and a one-hour hire can be hired for a little as £35. Room sizes, descriptions and hire charges are available via the booking system.
If you have any questions about the pitch & room booking system, please contact