School's Out! Fun Football Coaching in Summer Holidays

Boys and Girls age 5 to 12 are welcome at Tonbridge Angels FC
With the school holidays fast approaching, parents and guardians will be asking what can the kids do during the summer break. Tonbridge Angels Football Club may well have the answer with their Fun Football Coaching sessions.
Running from 26th July through to 19th August on selected weeks, the sessions are divided into 4 consecutive days or just single days between 9:00am and 3:00pm. Simply go to Tonbridge Angels booking site by clicking here and pick which ever package is more convenient.
The exact dates in detail are as follows:-
Monday 26th July to Thursday 29th July (4 days)
Monday 2nd August to Thursday 5th August (4 days)
Monday 16th August to Thursday 19th August (4 days)
A 4 day package can be booked or just an individual day(s)
Children will develop their football skills with our team of FA qualified coaches and will also meet new friends in a fun and friendly environment.
At the end of each weekly course there will be a medal presentation ceremony by an Angels 1st team player.