Summer Tournaments set for July at Longmead
Seven-a-side competitions for Boys and Girls
Tonbridge Angels are thrilled to announce their inaugural Summer 7-a-side tournaments for Boys and Girls aged from Under-7 through to Under-14 over the weekends of 1st and 8th July on the 3G FIFA Pro surface at the Halcyon Wealth Longmead Stadium.
Saturday and Sunday, 1st/2nd July will be boys/mixed tournaments as shown on the accompanying graphic while the following weekend, Saturday 8th July only, will be exclusively for the girls.
The entrance fee is £60 per team with a limit of two teams per club and the games will be played 7-a-side with a maximum of three substitutes.
To enter your team please contact Becky Newton, Community Development Officer, on 07783571485 or email
£5 entry on the gate for spectators with Under-16’s free.