Volunteers Needed!

Please join us this weekend 22nd and 23rd August 9:30am - 1:30pm for Stadium Clean Up
Please join us this weekend for the first of our volunteer sessions to get the stadium ready for the new season.
Saturday & Sunday 22nd & 23rd August 9:30am - 1:30pm
What needs doing?
1) cleaning of the seats in the main stand
2) marking the social distance in the North and South Stands
3) marking the social distancing for the tea bar queues
4) weeding the pathways around the pitch
5) treating the tea shacks with timber preservative
6) removal of old advertising boards
7) painting the marquee toilet block
8) repair outdoor terrace floor - sponsors lounge.
9) trim grass around edge of ground.
10) tidy marquee area
11) general sort out and tidy up of furniture removed from demolished club shop building
What do I need to bring?
Unfortunately we are unable to provide food on the day but will have the urn on for people to help themselves to tea and coffee so bring cold drinks and food for yourself
Please bring your own PPE, gloves, forks, trowels, brushes, buckets, sponges etc - paint will be provided
What do I need to know?
In accordance with National League stadium guidelines we will be taking everyone's temperature when they enter the ground and contact details for track and trace should it be needed
There will be a maxium of 30 people allowed in the stadium so if you can't make it please let us know so we can open up the space
Face coverings will be required for those working less than 1m from each other
We will have hand sanitiser stations around the ground but advise you bring your own
No more than 6 people from different households will be able to work in a group.
If you are able to help please contact Amy, Sarah or Debbie via facebook or on the following email addresses letting us know what your preference is:
amy.weaver@tonbridgeangels.co.uk sarah.parks@tonbridgeangels.co.uk debijcould@hotmail.com
Hopefully see you there!